Friday, November 29, 2019

Best Unsecured Credit Cards for People With Bad Credit

Best Unsecured Credit Cards for People With Bad Credit SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Having a poor credit score can feel like you’re caught in a catch-22. You need a credit card to improve your score, but it’s hard to get a credit card without a good score. Luckily, there are credits cards available for people with poor credit. Once you get one of these cards, you can use it to build your credit score over time. This guide will give you recommendations for the best credit cards for people with bad credit, along with some tips on how to apply. Click here to go straight to the credit card recommendations, or first, read on to learn what makes a bad credit score and why it matters. What Is Bad Credit? Credit scores range from 300 to 850. Your score is based on a number of factors, including your credit history, payment history, outstanding debt, and account inquiries from lenders, like credit card companies or banks. Defaulting on loans or closing a credit card that still has a balance on it are two actions that could seriously damage your credit score. You might also have a low score if you’re new to the world of credit and have never had a credit card before. Credit scores below 630 are considered to be very low. Scores between 630 and 700 are fair and between 700 and 800 are strong. Any scores above 800 are excellent. To find out your score, you simply need to set up a free account with Credit Karma. You can also request a comprehensive credit report from one of the three major credit bureaus, TransUnion, Equifax, or Experian. You can get one free report each year by requesting it from Any additional reports cost $9.95. Your credit score matters big time when you apply for any kind of credit card or loan. Why is it so important? Maybe we shouldn't call a credit score under 630 "bad." Rather, it's a work in progress! Why Does Your Credit Score Matter? Credit scores are a key factor when a credit card company or bank is evaluating your application for a credit card or loan. Lenders consider your past financial behavior to be an indication of your future behavior. They seek to reduce risk, so they only want to lend you money if they feel assured that you can eventually pay it back. The better your credit score is, the higher your credit line will be. You’ll also be eligible for more attractive credit cards that have low fees or rewards, like cash back or travel points. With a low credit score, your application for most travel rewards cards would be rejected outright. However, people will low scores can still qualify for certain credit cards and then use the card to build up their credit over time. With a low score, you may qualify for a secured or unsecured credit card. Lenders look at your credit score when deciding whether to give you a loan. They aren't big risk-takers. What Kind of Credit Card Can You Get With Bad Credit? Secured Vs. Unsecured If your credit score is the lowest of the low, then you’ll probably only be able to get what’s called a secured credit card. Secured credit cards require a deposit up front. Some of them act as prepaid debit cards. You load them up with a certain amount of money at the beginning of the month and then spend that money where the card is accepted. Secured credit cards have low limits and require up-front cash-loading or deposit. If you can qualify for a regular, unsecured card with bad credit, then you should skip this initial step of getting a secured card, unless you really need to set low, strict spending limits on yourself or can't afford an annual fee. Unsecured credit cards are just like any other credit card. They typically start with a line of credit of about $300 per month. As you build your credit over time, your monthly line of credit will increase. Unfortunately, you won’t get a credit card with the most appealing terms if you have poor credit. The unsecured cards recommended below have the best policies available and can help you build your credit into the fair or good zone. Read on for the top recommendations for the best unsecured credit cards for poor credit. Secured credit cards are useful if you need to set strict limits on your spending. 5 Best Unsecured Credit Cards for People with Bad Credit in 2016 The five cards recommended below are the best unsecured credit cards for people with bad credit available. Each card lets you fill out a quick and easy form online to see if you prequalify. The top five cards are the following: Credit One Bank Unsecured Visa* Indigo Platinum Mastercard Milestone Gold Mastercard Total VISA Unsecured Card Platinum One Credit Card (for average credit) *The Credit One Bank Visa stands out as the best overall unsecured credit card, because it gives you some rewards and may increase your line of credit after five months of on-time payments. The remaining credit cards for poor credit offer more or less equal benefits, so you should shop around to see where you prequalify. Let’s take a closer look at the terms of each unsecured credit card. Credit One Bank Unsecured Visa Credit Card The Credit One Visa is a rare card available to people with poor credit that gives rewards. With this card, you can earn 1% cash back on gas and groceries. The card has an annual fee of $0 to $75 the first year and $0 to $99 annually after that, depending on your credit score and income. You may be able to pay this fee back monthly, rather than as one lump sum at the end of the year. The card offers a monthly credit score tracking service so you can keep track of your progress toward a stronger credit score. It comes with a rather high variable interest rate of 15.65% to 24.15%, but the interest rate shouldn’t really matter. To build your credit and avoid debt, you should never carry a balance over on your credit card from one month to the next. Always pay off your full balance every month to avoid penalty and steep interest charges. A typical beginning line of credit for someone with a low credit score is $300. This might increase after five or more months of on-time payments. After five months of on-time payments, Credit One should increase your credit line. Pro tip: count your months by the Gregorian calendar, not the Mayan one. Indigo Platinum Mastercard The Indigo Platinum Mastercard is an increasingly popular card that’s available to people with a range of credit scores. Like the Credit One card, the Indigo card offers online account access and has an easy pre-qualification process online. A typical starting line of credit is $300, and the card has an annual fee of $0 to $99. The APR is fixed at 23.9%. Unlike the Credit One card, the Indigo card doesn’t offer any rewards back on your purchases. Milestone Gold Mastercard The Milestone Gold card similarly has a fixed APR of 23.9% and a typical starting line of credit of $300. The annual fee falls between $35 and $99. Total VISA Unsecured Credit Card The Total VISA has the highest APR of 29.99%. It has a fee of $75 for the first year and $48 annually after that. Like the other unsecured credit cards for low credit, the typical starting line of credit is $300. Capital One Platinum Card If your credit has started to climb out of the red zone and surpassed 600, then you might qualify for the Capital One Platinum card. This card is available for people with a credit score of 600 or higher. It has no annual fee, 24.99% APR, and fraud coverage. A typical starting credit limit falls between $200 and $500, and this can increase after five or so months of on time monthly payments. Now that you have a sense of the best unsecured credit cards, what do you do next? How do you apply for one of these cards? Even with bad credit, you have options for credit cards! How to Apply for an Unsecured Credit Card You can easily apply for a credit card online. First, head to the company’s website and go through its quick pre-qualification process. While this survey isn’t the be-all and end-all word on whether or not you qualify, it gives you an idea of your eligibility based on your income level. You’ll enter your personal information, including your salary and social security number. Going through this pre-qualification check, by the way, won’t hurt your credit score. Your credit score will only be affected when the company runs a hard check to see whether you officially qualify and you open an account. If you prequalify, then you’ll go through the full process of applying for the card. Only fill out a full application for one card, so as not to hurt your credit score. Once you apply and are approved, your card will be mailed out to you within one to two weeks. If your credit score and salary are too low, and you find yourself ineligible for any of the above cards, then you do have one more option - getting a secured credit card. Easy online pre-qualification forms give you a sense of whether or not you'll be approved a credit card. What If You Don’t Qualify? If you don’t qualify for an unsecured credit card with bad credit, then you should look into secured credit cards. As mentioned above, secured cards require a deposit up front, or they ask you to prepay and then spend the money that’s already loaded onto your card. While they’re a little different from other cards, secured credit cards will help you build credit until you’re able to get a regular, unsecured card. These are some of the best secured credit cards: Discover It Secured Card Capital One Secured Mastercard Secured Visa from Merrick Bank USAA Secured Card American Express If you want to set strict limits on your spending with a prepaid debit card, then look into the secured cards from Bluebird or American Express Serve. Once you get your credit card, how can you use it in the best way to build your credit? How to Use Your Credit Card and Build Credit Building and maintaining good credit isn’t about avoiding a credit card; it’s about using one well. Using a card well requires you to follow one rule of thumb: never carry a balance on your card from month to month. Don’t expect that you’ll have more to spend next month than you do this month. Only buy what you can pay off in cash immediately on the card, and make sure to pay off your full balance by each payment due date. As you read above, on-time payments will help you build credit, and your credit card company may offer you a bigger line of credit as time goes on. How can you be sure that you’re staying within your budget? This kind of awareness comes from developing a budget and keeping track of your daily and monthly spending. There are several apps, like YNAB and Mint, that are useful for helping you keep track and gain control of your personal finances. In closing, let’s go over the key points you should remember about the unsecured credit cards that are available to people with poor credit. Rome wasn't built in a day! With enough time and effort, you can build your credit score into the good or excellent range. Unsecured Credit Cards for Bad Credit - Final Thoughts If you have bad credit, you aren’t going to be eligible for a $10,000 line of credit and 2% cash back on all your purchases. However, you may become eligible eventually by first getting one of the secured or unsecured credit cards that are on offer to people with low credit card. Unsecured cards typically have an annual fee and start with a line of credit of around $300 a month. By making on-time payments month after month, you’ll see your credit score go up and may eventually qualify for a larger line of credit. If you don’t already, make sure to check your credit score and understand where it comes from. Then, you can come up with a plan to take control of your personal finances and build your credit score into the fair, good, or even excellent range. By shoring up your credit score with one of the best credit cards for bad credit, you’ll put yourself in a much better financial position for future credit card, loan, or mortgage applications. What’s Next? Is your credit score high enough that you could qualify for other credit cards? Check out this guide to find the best credit card for you based on your personal spending habits. Do you feel like your spending has gotten out of control? This guide will help you reign it back in with seven steps to taking control of your personal finances. Would you like to start saving money for a big purchase or perhaps a retirement account? This comprehensive list has 100 different ways for you to start saving money today.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How does Shakespeare portray ambiguity in the play Romeo and Juliet Essay Example

How does Shakespeare portray ambiguity in the play Romeo and Juliet Essay Example How does Shakespeare portray ambiguity in the play Romeo and Juliet Paper How does Shakespeare portray ambiguity in the play Romeo and Juliet Paper Essay Topic: Metamorphoses The exploration of ambiguity in the play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ encapsulates Shakespeare’s message of how there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong,’ ‘good’ or ‘evil’. This theme is sparked from the contextual circumstance of the play, set in Renaissance England, a time of great change and cultural ambiguity, bringing about the protestant reformation and the emergence of ‘the new man’ and new outlooks on love and romance. Shakespeare adopts descriptive techniques and distinctive wordplay, integrating literary devices and imagery to portray ambiguity subliminally throughout the play. The concept of ambiguity is portrayed by his use of oxymoron, for instance â€Å"Oh brawling love, oh loving hate† depicts ambiguity through the binary of love and hate and how elements of both can be found in one another, thus highlighting Shakespeare’s message of how the entire concept of the play is ambiguous. An oxymoron is by definition ambiguous, and is often adopted to conceptualise ambiguous meanings and ideas. Similarly, Shakespeare uses paradox, for instance, when Juliet questions, â€Å"was ever a book containing such vile matter so fairly bound? to depict Juliet’s complexity as a character, and her conflicting emotions when trying to battle with the idea that the love of her life is a murderer. In addition Shakespeare conveys ambiguity by categorising imagery into two extremes, light and dark. This imagery continually recurs throughout the play, and is often adopted by Romeo, for instance when he first sees Juliet he declares, â€Å"O, she doth teach the torches burn bright† and Juliet is continually referred to as a light in the darkness and Juliet concurrently expresses how â€Å"Romeo’s body† be â€Å"cut out in little stars. Shakespeare uses this to accentuate the contrast of love and hate, an ambiguous disparity Shakespeare uses to encapsulate the meaning of the play. Furthermore, Shakespeare’s use of distinctive language and character repartee is used for contrast and to craft oxymoron and paradox to illustrate ambiguity, for instance; â€Å"A damned saint, an honourable villain! The poignant contrast between the words, â€Å"damned† and â€Å"honourable† each adjectives used to inverse the distinct characterisations of â€Å"villain† and â€Å"saint† in the form of an oxymoron. Ambiguity is also explored through the characters themselves. For instance, Friar Lawrence is portrayed to have a vested interest in the happiness of both Romeo and Juliet and appears as an advocate of their forbidden romance and even helps to marry the two in secret, later providing Juliet with a substance that will give her the power to fake her death to avoid her marriage to Paris. However it appears he has an ulterior motive fuelled by his peace loving disposition. This is portrayed when he states that â€Å"this alliance may so happy prove to turn your households’ rancour to pure love,† thus expressing the somewhat ambiguous nature of his character. Furthermore, his unorthodox behaviour may have in fact caused the deaths of the two lovers and thus Shakespeare portrays ambiguity in this instance by portraying the layers of the Friar’s character, how a peace loving man of God, whom Shakespeare initially appears to use as a plot device, gradually metamorphoses to someone who will, by any means necessary, attempt to achieve his goal, no matter how innocent his motives. Similarly, Lord Capulet’s character also appears to acquire a similar ambiguous nature. He initially appears as a loving father with seemingly chivalrous qualities, asking Paris to â€Å"let two more summers wither in their pride, ere we may think her ripe to be a bride,† allowing his daughter time to mature before she weds Paris. Similarly, when Tybalt expresses his anger and concern when Romeo enters Juliet’s party, he responds dismissively and appears to see no point to the feud, portraying a sensible, understanding side to his character. However, Capulet soon loses this title and becomes a more aggressive character, forcing Juliet to marry Paris and when she refuses he exclaims, â€Å"Out you baggage, you tallow face,† expressing a more belligerent side to his character. And thus again, Shakespeare portrays ambiguity through Capulet’s somewhat twofold character, each a polar end of two extremes, aggression and compassion. In addition, Mercutio’s character also resembles a somewhat ambiguous nature. His name itself is derived from the word ‘mercurial’ which means unstable or volatile, which in itself encapsulates his ambiguity. He initially appears very self assured and confident with an aptitude for bawdy humour. He appears to sustain a dismissive, derogatory outlook on love, expressing that â€Å"if love be rough with you, be rough with love. † He also appears as a loyal friend to Romeo, and advocate of the Montagues. However, it appears Mercutio’s alleged confidence is merely a facade fuelled by his insecure, volatile undertones. This is portrayed during his dying moments when he exclaims, â€Å"a curse of both your houses! † portraying his volatility and insecurity as opposed to his initial confident, secure demeanour and thus conveys his character’s ambiguous fibre. Ambiguity is also distinguished through the themes integrated into the play and the plot itself. Shakespeare expresses how the conflicting themes included in the play, for instance ‘Love and Hate’ are merely adopted by Shakespeare to portray how there is no ‘one or the other,’ there is always a mixture of both. He uses the characters’ emotions and actions to portray these themes as inversed extremes battling against one another to realise the ultimate conclusion mentioned previously. Similarly the plot in itself, a fickle feud fuelled by the insecurity of each other’s prevalence that ultimately resulted in the deaths of each of their own.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Nutrition Communication Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Nutrition Communication Plan - Essay Example It recommended for the formation of a Food and Nutrition Council to further implement other recommendations basically the formation of bureaucratic bodies. Fisher proposed that groups of environmental interests although well-represented by a large local bureaucracy had been silent and that the document was fond to be insufficient for a 1985 and onwards acceptability. Among others, he noted four major deficiencies such as lack of a systems approach to food and nutrition, lack of consideration of the environmental implications of human nutrition, lack of consideration on the effects of additives and lack of use of the anthropology of food. In order to facilitate satisfaction of human nutritional needs require environmental factors, both the outer environment or natural resources and the inner, physiological and psychosocial environments (Borgstrom, 1972). A change in the ay of eating was recommended (Fisher, 1986) with the justification that per capita nutrition provided from plant crops requires less from the environment in comparison with animal crops as off-farm processing pf raw foodstuffs include transport, packaging and retailing procedures that extract much from the environment. ... ide from that, Fisher argued that greater effort is exerted on handling, preparing, preserving animal foodstuffs with consideration for hidden costs on legislation and policing of standards. In addition, disposal of leftovers and cleaning after preparation of meat-based meals are more difficult and intensive and produces more pollutants. The proposal that purchase and consumption of fresh, local plant sources although encouraging for a start (Fisher, 1986) also poses other environmental damages that were not discussed before such as effects of the use of chemical fertilisers, insecticide and preservatives. It is with this premise that the Green Line Organic Direct enters the situation. The Green Line Organic Direct The GLOD is Melbourne Victoria's leading (online) organic store that offer home delivery of a huge range of products that are biodynamic and environmentally friendly products including: organic and biodynamic fresh fruit - organic and biodynamic fresh vegetables - organic and biodynamic grocery products - organic and biodynamic bulk items - organic and biodynamic meat - organic alcohol - environmentally friendly cleaning and household products - environmentally friendly and organic personal care products - environmentally friendly and organic baby products (Green Line Organic Direct, 2007). Organic Foods It has been proposed that organic food is produced according to certain standards requiring that crops were grown without the use of conventional pesticides, artificial fertilizers or sewage sludge, and that they were processed without ionizing radiation or food additives. In addition, animal food products meant they were reared without the use of antibiotics and growth hormones (Wikipedia, 2007). Due to nutrition and health impacts as well as

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Packing in school Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Packing in school - Research Paper Example The federal government have also implemented reductions in salt and saturated fat, trans fats in addition to the proper portion of lunches for children according to their age. The standards were based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and developed by the U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services (Mientka, 2013). In 2011, to encourage healthful eating, Chicago schools implemented the media approbation for a long- standing policy that banned homemade lunches. They were allowed only for those children who had any doctor’s notes. The policy was initiated on the basis of observations that stated that students were bringing bottles of soda and bags of hot chips for lunches. A peanut butter has also been banned by schools. However, that aroused mass protests among parents, when schools started bringing in  rules banning nut- free spreads. Schools were defending their decisions by stating that nut- free products looked much like real peanut butter and that stressed out those children with allergies (Eng & Hood, 2011). Critics, however, assume that schools along with the federal government thought of everything, but for the children good. Asserting in schools of such lunch programs was called by the desire to enrich the pockets of corporations. Besides, people stated that that was the perfect demonstration of how the governments one-size-fits-all requirement on nutrition works. However, it failed again, because some parents desired to pack a gluten- free meal for a child and others had no problem with their child to enjoy soda. Lunch policies, whether they are dictated by the desire to form better understanding of how should a child eat every day or they are simply at school’s hand, they do not have to dictate parents how to pack in their kids’ lunches and what to put inside the lunch bag.  Banning of certain products or lunch meals as they are put teaches and government in

Monday, November 18, 2019

Short answer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Short answer - Essay Example Christians also pray that sinners may allow God to take control of their lives in preparation for the coming on God’s reign (Fischer &Hart, 1995. The reign of God has already begun because Jesus is always demonstrating his power to the evil ones on the world. The book of Luke chapter 11: 20, it is indicated that Jesus is now pushing back the powers of evil in the world. Paul illustrates on the book of Romans 6:1-11 that after a sinner accepts Christ and gets baptized, the reign of God has begun on his or her life. According to Fischer and Hart (1995), the reign of God has begun through the life of Jesus and his teachings. The only expectation is its fulfillment. The proper attitude according to St. Paul is that sinners ought to confess their sins and be baptized while the righteous have the obligation of staying clean. The righteous should also spread the gospels to non-believers in order to alert them on the second coming of Christ. Christians have an interest in the exact time for second coming of a new phenomenon because they believe that they will have a chance to see the Christ they have been waiting for many years with their own eyes. They also believe that a new phenomenon will be the perfect time to end the struggle with the evil one that they encounter on daily basis on their lives (Fischer &Hart, 1995). Christians tend to be much concerned with counting the exact date of second coming of Christ. However, Jesus discourages the speculation and instead urges believers to be always prepared for he might come any time. Jesus urges Christians to be ready and righteous at every moment in their life in order to inherit the Kingdom of God as it already reigns (Fischer &Hart, 1995). That Jesus had no intensions of revealing secrets concerning his second coming. The biblical meaning of parousia also ought to be understood

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Relationship between Aggression and Parenting Styles

Relationship between Aggression and Parenting Styles 5.1  Introduction This chapter includes the summary of the study, the conclusion derived from the study. The implication of the study and the limitations are also discussed in this chapter followed by the future research suggestions. 5.2  Summary The purpose of the study was to the level of aggression, between adolescents with different styles of perceived parenting style of their fathers. The sample included101 adolescent girls and boys, belonging to the age group of 14 to 16 years coming from various schools of Pune city. The sample included boys and girls from middle class population who were English speaking.The adolescents included in the sample had working fathers and homemaker mothers. The adolescents were categorized into three groups based on their perceived parenting styles of their father. The tools used in the study were Buss and Perry Aggression Questionnaire (Buss Perry, 1992) to measure Aggression among adolescents and the Parental Authority Questionnaire (Buri, 1991) was used to assess the perceived parenting style. The research design used was non-equivalent multi group post-test design. The sampling method used for this study was Random sampling. Permission was acquired from the various schools selected to participate in the study. After the permission was granted, the target sample (adolescent students) was requested to participate in the study. The questionnaires were handed over to the students and instructions were given. The independent variables parenting style had three levels namely Permissive, Authoritarian and Authoritative. These levels were made into three groups. The mean score on each group was calculated as well as the standard deviation. All candidates whose score lay above the â€Å"one standard deviation up† score were included in the group. Thus the three groups were formed. Since there were three levels of the independent variable giving three mean scores the statistical analysis used for the study was ANOVA. Based on literature review the following hypotheses were formulated. Aggression will be significantly higher among adolescents who have Authoritarian fathers than adolescents who have Authoritative fathers. Aggression will be significantly higher among adolescents who have Permissive fathers than authoritative fathers. Aggression will be significantly higher among adolescents who have Authoritarian fathers than Permissive fathers. Conclusion There was a significant difference in the aggression scores between adolescents who perceived their fathers to be Authoritarian and adolescents who perceived their father to be Authoritative. Thus concluding that, adolescents who perceive their father to be Authoritative are less Aggressive in comparison to adolescents who perceive their father to be Authoritarian. No significant difference was found between the aggression scores of adolescents who perceived their father to be Permissive and Authoritative. Similarly, no significant differences were found between adolescents who perceived their fathers to be Permissive and Authoritarian. 5.4  Implication It was concluded by the study that, adolescents who perceived their fathers to be Authoritarian were more aggressive in comparison to the other two groups. The findings can be used to Psycho – educate parents about the effect of Authoritarian parenting which may help preventing aggressive behaviours among adolescents. The same could be extended to a school setting too, where teachers are also made aware of the consequences of Authoritative interaction with their students. Also as the time spent by the adolescent with the father has been spoken about as a factor influencing aggression. These findings could be used to educate parents about the adequate amount of time that is required to be actively spent with their adolescent. This finding can also be used in future researches by comparing variables such as academic performance with perceived parenting styles. Further research could also include comparing mother’s parenting style and aggression. 5.5Limitation The sample did not include equal number of girls and boys which may have affected the results of the study. A common observation around the world is that males are more aggressive than females (Perry,Perry Weiss, 1989), as aggression is influenced by the male sex hormone testosterone (Dabbs, 1998). Therefore it could have been beneficial to include equal number of boys and girls to control gender differences. The sample included only middle class population. Not including the other social strata in the sample does not allow the sample to be a true representative of Pune city. Hence, the use of only Middle class sample would be counted as a limitation of this study. It was observed that a few responses of a few candidates were influenced by social desirability. This resulted in discarding of such response sheets thus affecting the sample size. The sample size was only 200 out of which only 101 could be included into the three groups made. This constitutes a very small percent of the total population of Pune city and hence the results cannot be generalized. Most of the literature review caters to the Western and European sample, whereas the sample included in this study belongs to the Indian population. In cultures such as African-American and Asian-American, adolescents tend to have less negative effects such as deviant aggressive behaviours as compared to other ethnic groups (Steinberg, 2001). Since there are culture differences found in aggression, culture may have played an essential role in influencing Aggression which may be counted as a limitation. 5.6  Suggestions The study had a number of drawbacksthat could be avoided in the future studies. To begin with, the limitations mentioned above could be looked into. Correcting the limitations of this study would represent the Population better and hence yield more apt results in turn. The most important suggestion would be to increase size of the sample. Since the present study consisted only of 101individuals, there is a possibility that the sample wasn’t represented best. With a larger sample the results may have been more accurate as the general population would be represented in a better manner. In future research it can be ensured that there is equal representation of each gender, as doing so would eliminate the effect of gender differences on the variable aggression. For future research it can be kept in mind that the sample may have equal number individuals from each socioeconomic class and not just middle class as done in this study. A sample that is inclusive of individuals from all classes would be a well represented sample and therefore the results may be generalized to the entire city being studied. Another suggestion for future studies done would be to add the variables that were not included in this study, such as number of hours the father spends with his adolescent. As it has been discussed earlier that number of hours the father spends with the adolescent is an important factor known to have an influence on the adolescent’s aggressive behaviours. Hence, controlling the number of hours the father spends with his adolescent could help avoid this factor to have an influence on the variable – aggression.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A Doll’s House - Nora Essay example -- English Literature

Nora is the central character in the book A Doll’s House and it is through her that Ibsen develops many of his themes To what extent is loyalty shown by the lead female characters characters? What are the consequences of this? Within these two books loyalty is a minor theme and one that is easily missed, indeed it is narrow. However, it is still one which weaves a thread through both of the books encompassing major and minor characters, the material and the abstract. In commencing this discussion one must first refer to the definition of the word â€Å"loyalty†; the quality of being loyal. As defined in the Cambridge dictionary, loyal: firm and not changing in your friendship with or support for a person or an organization, or in your belief in your principles. And in the Collins dictionary, loyalty: faithful; a feeling of friendship or duty towards someone or something. Nora is the central character in the book â€Å"A Doll’s House† and it is through her that Ibsen develops many of his themes, one of these being the difficulty of maintaining an individual personality within the confines of a social role/stereotype. Initially Nora seems devoted to her marriage and her husband, â€Å"I would never dream of doing anything you didn’t want me to†. We see the sacrifices she’s made to keep what she has intact and her beloved alive. To all intents and purposes she is the model of loyalty. She appears to be utterly in love with Torvald, she â€Å"looks incredulously† at Mrs.Linde, â€Å"But, Kristine, is that possible?†, when faced with the prospect that someone could be or ever have been in a loveless marriage. She’s proud of her husband, â€Å"My husband has just been made Bank Manager!†, and queen to please him, â€Å"Oh, thank you, than... ...for some miracle. In this she loses her greatest financial asset and her home. These two characters both show signs of strong loyalty but both in different ways and to different things. Subsequently, the consequences for both are extremely different. Nora, in â€Å"A Doll’s House†, through her questioning of her marital relationship and the resulting recognition of false values, manages to achieve the prospect of self awareness and development; this is a direct consequence of her eventual loyalty to herself. Ranyevskaya’s loyalties, on the other hand, lead to her downfall. The combination of her personal loyalties, her enslavement to emotions of which extravagance is the consequence, and her loyalty to the past which results in the denial of the present, can be seen as the two greatest personal factors that are responsible for her loss of the Cherry Orchard.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Foundations of Mythology Short Answers Essay

How is the word myth used popularly? For example, what does the statement, â€Å"It’s a myth† mean? In contrast, how is the word myth used in the academic context? After considering the things in the definition in your textbooks and course materials, write a definition in your own words. The word myth is used in stories told people don’t know if the stories told are true or not. My personal belief is that a myths can be both true and not true tales. My reason for this because things in the area that happened more than fifty years ago or longer could be turned into false information after the years and years of being restated, no one knows because this area has happened so long ago in time. Myths are stories that were passed on from one generation to the next one its fiction and non -fiction. Myth is used in academic context as being an explanatory narrative, & illustrates how people should act and the existing social order. They are collectively authored and are created by people traditions and oral traditions are told and retold over time. My definition of myth is something that has reason for it could be true or untrue depending on the topic; you just have to use logic to determine the truth of the quote or statement. Why do myths from different cultures around the world address such similar or universal themes? Think about how myths explain the unknown and the tribulations of mankind. The reasoning why myths from other cultures are similar is because of their story lines, they are different because every couture has their own behalf’s and way of doing things accordantly and the ways in which it has been done for generation after generation most people believe that this way is best. They share a way that is perspective, and has value and interest and could  be their own stories. In many myths your able to format we connect to each other no matter the religion choice or aspect on the different types of myths. Myths are great in explaining the unknown and the tribulations of mankind. Myths give meaning into our lives, they explain things that are unexplaning they encourage or give us great ideas about different events and in schools helping students learn the different myth types. By doing this it enables us to learn different myths that are out there and the background of them. Myths give you laughter or tears and a clearer understanding of different things going on in our current life and events that happened before our time. What is the relationship between belief, knowledge, mythology, and religion? Where do mythology and religion intersect? Where do they diverge? Think about the function of myth and religion in helping human beings cope with change, suffering, loss, and death. There are many huge differences between religion and myth they can be overlapping mythology is one component or aspect of religion knowledge is very eternal and ever changing axiom. Mythology and religion intersect at they start as explanation accepted by people are two different things, mythology isn’t a religion but a myth of stories and the studies it can explain the unexplainable religions are surely traditional stories. They diverge easily but are both the same type of things with just different labels in difference between the two is that mythology is about anything a belief which has existed with not any proof. Religion is that of what you worship or reveres the persons or objects. In cases religion and myth always help us cope with change, suffering, with loss and deaths no matter what we will all deal with these things in our own personal ways, no one will ever grieve with lose the same as another person.  How would you defend mythology’s relevance in contemporary culture? Think about familial and cultural traditions. Also, consider how mythology is used in the arts and in advertising to typify human experience. I would defend mythology’s relevance in contempary culture as being very relevant and great need in society it gives us insight on all cultures from around the entire world. I would defend the mythology perspective my family  has a tradition of having yearly trail rides in the town I am from and getting together at least once a year either thanksgiving or Christmas time this helps our family find out how we all are doing in our lives because we all become very busy Mythology is used in the arts and advertising to typify the human experiences. References www. Html of myth. Html EBOOK COLLECTION: Leonard, S., & McClure, M. (2004). Myth & knowing: An introduction to world mythology. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Letter to Octavian essays

Letter to Octavian essays When Lepidus retired, why did you choose to take the west and not the east? What strategies did you use to defeat Marc Antony and win the Battle of Actium to become the sole Dictator? Did it feel invigorating to know that you had earned even more power than Julius Caesar? You then were made the one who made all of the final decisions including laws and foreign policy. Was it hard to live up to all of your peoples expectations? Did you return Rome to power and glory like you promised? How did you act to end all civil wars, expand territories, and create more jobs, which you also promised the people of Rome? I think that you were a very positive Emperor and probably the best one Rome has had in all of history. Your popularity with the people must have influenced them in many ways. I am sure that you improving the Roman military helped get you tasks such as expanding territories done. Being the commander of the army and navy must have meant that you were a great strategist. It was extremely smart of you to offer citizenship to anyone who joined the army or navy and doubling the size of the military. How did you think of that? Extending trade routes to Europe, Asia, and Africa must have increased the trade significantly. Did your Empire make a lot of profits from trade? How exactly did you better the living conditions inside the Empire? Who were allowed inside the schools that you founded? Were people excluded because of their gender or race? Did encouraging the arts and literature have a large affect on your people because they adored you? When architecture increased did the cities become more compact? Thank you for all of the great tasks you have succeeded in doing that have effected life everyday up un till this year (2002). I hope that you can and will write back when you get a chance. ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to Get a GRE Voucher and Discounts on the Test

How to Get a GRE Voucher and Discounts on the Test The GRE testing fee can be a significant barrier for applicants on a limited budget. However, financial assistance is available through several vouchers and fee reduction programs. In fact, you may be able to save as much as 100% on your GRE testing fee. GRE Vouchers The GRE Fee Reduction Program provides 50%-off vouchers for test-takers with demonstrated financial need.The GREÂ  Prepaid Voucher Service sells vouchers to organizations and institutions, which in turn offer savings to test-takers with demonstrated need. These vouchers can cover part or all of the testing fee.GRE promo codes, which can be found online through a simple Google search, can help you save money on test prep materials. There are three basic ways to save on the GRE: the GRE Fee Reduction Program, GRE Prepaid Vouchers and GRE promo codes. The first two options will reduce your testing fee, while the last option will help you save on test prep materials. GREFee Reduction Program The first place to look for savings is the GRE Fee Reduction Program. This program is offered directly through ETS, the makers of the GRE. The GRE Fee Reduction Program provides saving vouchers to test takers who will be taking the GRE in the United States, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico. The GRE Fee Reduction Program voucher can be used to cover 50% of the cost of the GRE General Test and/or the cost of one GRE Subject Test. There is a limited supply of vouchers, and they are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, so vouchers are not guaranteed. The program is open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents, 18 years or older, with demonstrated financial need. To apply, you must be either an unenrolled college graduate who has applied for financial aid, a college senior currently receiving financial aid, or unemployed/receiving unemployment compensation. Additional requirements are as follows: Dependent college seniors must submit an FAFSA Student Aid Report (SAR) with a parental contribution of no more than $2,500.Self-supporting college seniors must submit an FAFSA Student Aid Report (SAR) with a contribution of no more than $3,000; they must also have self-supporting status on the report.Unenrolled college graduates must submit an FAFSA Student Aid Report (SAR) with a contribution of no more than $3,000.Unemployed individuals must prove that they are unemployed by signing a declaration of unemployment and submitting an Unemployment Benefits Statement from the past 90 days.Permanent residents must submit a copy of their green card. To increase your chances of getting a voucher from the GRE Fee Reduction Program, you should fill out the program application as soon as possible. Remember, vouchers are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The longer you wait, the lower your chances are of getting a voucher. You also need to allow at least three week for application processing. When your application is approved, you can pay the other half of the fee not covered by the voucher and resister to take the test. GRE Fee Reduction Vouchers from National Programs There are some national programs within the U.S. that provide their members with GRE Fee Reduction vouchers. These programs typically work with underrepresented communities. If you are a member of a participating program, you may be able to get a voucher or a certificate without being unemployed or meeting the stringent aid-based requirements that come with the GRE Fee Reduction Program. Since voucher availability and qualification requirements can vary from program to program, youll need to talk directly to the program director or another representative to determine whether or not you are able to get a GRE Fee Reduction voucher. According to ETS, the following programs offer GRE Fee Reduction vouchers to their members: Gates Millennium Scholars ProgramNational Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science Program (GEM)Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) Undergraduate Student Training in Academic Research (U-STAR) ProgramPostbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP)Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (RISE) ProgramTRIO Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement ProgramTRIO Student Support Services (SSS) ProgramGREÂ  Prepaid Voucher Service GRE Prepaid Voucher Service ETS also offers a GREÂ  Prepaid Voucher Service. The vouchers that are available through this service can be used by GRE test takers. However, the vouchers are not sold directly to individuals who are taking the GRE test. Instead, they are sold to institutions or organizations who want to pay some or all of the cost of the GRE for the test taker. ETS offers several prepaid voucher options to institutions or organizations. Some of them cover part of the test fees, while others cover the entire test fee. All of these voucher options must be used by the test taker within one year of the purchase date. Vouchers, including those that cover 100% of the test fee, do not cover additional fees such as scoring fees, test center fees, or other associated fees. The voucher cannot be turned in by the test taker for a refund. GRE Prep Book Promo Codes ETS does not typically offer GRE promo codes that can be used to cover the cost of the GRE. However, there are many different test prep companies that offer GRE promo codes that can be used on prep books, courses, and other materials. Before purchasing a test prep book, do a general Google search for GRE promo codes. While you most likely will not be able to get a discount on the test fee, you can help to offset the cost of the test overall by saving money on test prep tools.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Peer Assisted Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Peer Assisted Strategies - Essay Example Role play is very effective in a situation where the teacher is confronted with students who are very shy and uncomfortable in using the target language. For instance, the teacher may suggest to two learners to imagine a situation where s/he is asking for direction from a stranger in a new place. The two learners while enacting a situation try to think of various forms of communication that help them seek the information. Thus, as the learners practice and get used to act in the classroom they will be able to communicate without inhibitions in real social life. Peer tutoring: Peer tutoring is defined as an approach where a good learner teaches or guides another learner who lacks knowledge in the area. Since, as peer tutoring involves the learner take the role of a teacher or imitate a teacher, the learner tends to learn the subject well so as to make sure that s/he is teaching correctly and performing effectively. The learners can inter-change their roles that encourage peer cooperation and improve peer relationships. Peer tutoring motivates the learner to acquire the language skills and inculcates reading habit because the learner attempts to fine tune her/his subject knowledge before taking the role of a teacher. Further, the learner who takes the role of a student feels less inhibited with a peer as a tutor in place of a real teacher. Peer tutoring is most appropriate in situations where a set or group of students who are weak in a particular skill. Therefore, the tutor is not merely acting as a teacher but trying to help his peer in un derstanding the subject. Reciprocal Teaching: This approach helps in improving the comprehension abilities. In this technique the teacher as well as the learner takes an active role. While reading a text this technique calls for four important stages: summarizing, questioning, clarifying and predicting. This technique is most suitable in a situation when the text is difficult to comprehend and the goal is to encourage peer collaboration. One way of doing this is allocating the four stages to four different students or four groups, while the teacher is reading the text, each student assigned to a specific group would accordingly take the initiative. Simultaneously, the teacher and the students discuss and have a dialogue over the topic. Thus, this technique facilitates group participation or equal participation amongst peers and the teacher as well. Cooperative learning: This technique encourages learners to work together for the benefit of the entire group. Since, the groups are heterogeneous it allows them to learn from each other and get along with those who are different from themselves. The teacher is helping the learners not only to acquire the language but also learn to collaborate, be responsible and accountable, which is very important in social circles

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Nutrition and obesity in the united states versus nutrition in other Research Paper

Nutrition and obesity in the united states versus nutrition in other developed countries - Research Paper Example A person whose weight is at least 20 percent higher than the upper limit of the healthy range is considered to be obese. The effect of obesity is that it puts one at risk of many health problems and diseases. This is according to Medical News Today. Obesity makes one susceptible to diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, respiratory issues, and stroke. It is estimated that on average, an obese person will live 8 to 10 years less than a non-obese person. In addition, a high rate of obesity in a country’s population significantly increases its health care costs. Since 1980, the prevalence of obesity in the developed countries such as the United States has significantly increased. Statistics in the United States show one in every three people is medically obese. According to a book published in September 2010 by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and development (OECD), obesity rates in the U.S. rank among the highest in the world. Another research conducted byMedical News Today in the year 2010 shows that 28 percent of all U.S. residents are medically classified to be obese. European Union member countries with obesity rates between 20 percent and 27 percent include Australia at Irelandand Luxembourg (Kumar, 19).The same data also shows that the European Union membercountry with the lowest overall obesity rates was Sweden at 10 percent. The average obesityrate was recorded to be at 16 percent. Research done by the World health Organization shows that the worldwide prevalence of obesity nearly doubled between the year 1980 and 2008. The country estimates for the year 2008 showed that over 50% of both men and women in the European Region were overweight. The percentage of men and women who were overweight were 23% and 20% in both men and women respectively. Based on the latest estimates in European Union countries, overweight problems in adults affects 30-70% while the percentage of adult